Massimo Ferri1
Antonella Tavaglione1
Pietro Vertechi2
Lorenzo Zuffi1
$\mathbb{X}$ triangulable manifold, $f$ continuous. $\mathbb{X}_{i} = f^{-1}\left(\left(-\infty, a_i\right]\right)$ $$ \mathbb{X}_{1} \subseteq \cdots \subseteq \mathbb{X}_{n} = \mathbb{X} $$
Is it reasonable to speak about persistence and not about homology?
How general can such a framework be?
Let $(G, f), (G^\prime, f^\prime)$ be weighted graphs and $H$ the set of isomorphisms from $G$ to $G^\prime$.
The natural pseudodistance of $(G, f)$ and $(G^\prime, f^\prime)$ is
$$ \delta\left(\left(G, f\right), \left(G', f'\right)\right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \infty & \mbox{if} \ \ \ H=\emptyset \\ \inf_{\phi\in H}\sup_{e\in E} \left|f\left(e\right) - f'\left(\phi\left(e\right)\right)\right| \ \ & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right. $$
All functions $\lambda_{(G, f)}: \Delta^+ \to \mathbb{Z}$ are said to be persistence functions if
$\lambda_{(G, f)}$ is said to be stable if given an analogous pair $(G^\prime, f^\prime)$, an isomorphism $\psi:G\to G^\prime$ exists such that $$\sup_{e\in E} \left| f\left(e \right)-f^\prime\left(\psi\left(e\right)\right)\right|\le h$$ where $h>0$, then for all $(u, v)\in \Delta^+$ the inequality $$\lambda_{(G, f)}(u-h, v+h)\le \lambda_{\left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)}(u, v)$$ holds.
For weighted graphs $\left(G, f\right), \left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)$ as above, if $\lambda_{(G, f)}$ and $\lambda_{\left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)}$ are stable then
$$ d\left(D\left( f \right), D\left(f^\prime\right)\right) \le \delta\left(\left(G, f\right), \left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)\right), $$ where $d$ is the bottleneck distance.
Is the inequality described above the best one that we can obtain from persistence diagrams?
A coherent sampling $\mathcal{V}$ is the assignment to each graph $G$, where $G=\left(V, E\right)$ of a set $\mathcal{V}(G)$ of subsets of $V \cup E$, such that
A coherent sampling is stable if $\psi:G\to G^\prime$ is an isomorphism, then $\mathcal{V}\left(G^\prime\right)=\psi\left(\mathcal{V}\left(G\right)\right)$.
For each inclusion $\iota: G \to H$ let $\Lambda(\iota)$ be the number of elements of $\mathcal{V}\left(H\right)$ containing at least one element of $\mathcal{V}\left(G\right)$. For all filtering functions $f:E \to \mathbb{R}$, let $\lambda_{(G, f)}:\Delta^+ \to \mathbb{Z}$ be defined by $\lambda_{(G, f)}(u, v) = \Lambda(\iota_{(u, v)})$ where $\iota_{(u, v)}: G_u \to G_v$ is the inclusion homomorphism. Then the functions $\lambda_{(G, f)}$ are persistence functions. If the coherent sampling is stable, so are the persistence functions.
The assignment $\mathcal{C}^k$, which maps each graph $G$ to the set of its $k$-clique communities, is a stable coherent sampling.
Let $\left(G,f\right)$ be a weighted graph, with $G=(V, E)$
$F: 2^{V\cup E} \to \{true, false\}$ a property.
We call $F$-set any set $A\subseteq V\cup E$ such that $F(A) = true$.
$A\subseteq V\cup E$ is an $F$-set at level $w$
if it is an $F$-set of the subgraph $G_w$.
We call $A\subseteq V\cup E$ a steady $F$-set
$(u, v) \in \Delta^+$ if it is an $F$-set at all levels $w$ with
$u\le w \le v$.
We call $A$ a ranging $F$-set
at $(u, v)$ if there exist levels $w\le u$ and $w'\ge v$ at which it is an $F$-set.
Let $SF_{(G, f)}(u,v)$ be the set of s-$F$-sets at $(u, v)$ and let $RF_{(G, f)}(u,v)$
be the set of r-$F$-sets at $(u, v)$.
The functions
\begin{array}{l l}
\sigma:\Delta^+\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\\
(u,v)\mapsto \left|SF_{(G, f)}(u,v)\right|
\begin{array}{l l}
\rho:\Delta^+\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\\
(u,v)\mapsto \left|RF_{(G, f)}(u,v)\right|
are persistence functions.
A temporary hub (t-hub) at level $u$ is a vertex of $G_u\subseteq G$ whose degree is
greater than the degree of its neighbors.
A steady hub (s-hub) at $(u, v)\in \Delta^+$ is a vertex which is a t-hub at all levels
$w$ with $u\le w \le v$.
A ranging hub (r-hub) at $(u, v)\in \Delta^+$ is a vertex such that there exist levels
$w \le u$ and $w^\prime\ge v$ at which it is a t-hub.
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Steady hubs
Ranging hubs
Steady hubs
Ranging hubs
Steady hubs
Ranging hubs
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Don't you see an interactive graph? Please reload the page (Ctrl+R or command+R on mac).
Persistence-based signatures of data can be generated without auxiliary topological constructions.
Coeherent samplings and property-based filters are general recipes to create persistence functions.
We are working on a categorical extension of the theory presented here for weighted graphs.
graph = pc.WeightedGraph(graph_structure)