Persistent hubs in weighted graphs

Mattia G. Bergomi


umi-simap cf nvidia

Who we are

MassimoMassimo Ferri1

AntonellaAntonella Tavaglione1

PietroPietro Vertechi2

LorenzoLorenzo Zuffi1

1 University of Bologna - Bologna, Italy
2 Champalimaud Research - Lisbon, Portugal


Persistence on weighted graphs

  • (Classic) topological persistence
  • Combinatorial persistence: Coherent sampling and property-based filters


  • Hubs detection
  • Dynamical hubs detection

(Classic) topological persistence



$\mathbb{X}$ triangulable manifold, $f$ continuous. $\mathbb{X}_{i} = f^{-1}\left(\left(-\infty, a_i\right]\right)$ $$ \mathbb{X}_{1} \subseteq \cdots \subseteq \mathbb{X}_{n} = \mathbb{X} $$

(Classic) topological persistence



(Classic) topological persistence

Weighted graphs ...

$$ G = \left(V, E \right), \ \ f: E\rightarrow\mathbb{R} $$ graph

(Classic) topological persistence

... as simplicial complexes


(Classic) topological persistence

... as simplicial complexes


(Classic) topological persistence


D.S. Bassett, and O. Sporns. Network neuroscience. Nature neuroscience, 20.3: 353, 2017.
M. W. Reimann, M. Nolte, M. Scolamiero, K. Turner, R. Perin, G. Chindemi, P. Dlotko, R. Levi, K. Hess, and H. Markram. Cliques of neurons bound into cavities provide a missing link between structure and function}. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2017.
W. Huang and A. Ribeiro. Persistent homology lower bounds on high-order network distances. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017.
S. Pal, T. J. Moore, R. Ramanathan, and A. Swami. Comparative topological signatures of growing collaboration networks. In Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet, 2017.
G. Petri, P. Expert, F. Turkheimer, R. Carhart-Harris, D. Nutt, P. J. Hellyer, and F. Vaccarino. Homological scaffolds of brain functional networks. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2014.
D. Horak, S. Maletic, and M. Rajkovic. Persistent homology of complex networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2009.

Combinatorial persistence


Is it reasonable to speak about persistence and not about homology?

How general can such a framework be?

Combinatorial persistence

Natural pseudodistance

Let $(G, f), (G^\prime, f^\prime)$ be weighted graphs and $H$ the set of isomorphisms from $G$ to $G^\prime$.

The natural pseudodistance of $(G, f)$ and $(G^\prime, f^\prime)$ is

$$ \delta\left(\left(G, f\right), \left(G', f'\right)\right) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \infty & \mbox{if} \ \ \ H=\emptyset \\ \inf_{\phi\in H}\sup_{e\in E} \left|f\left(e\right) - f'\left(\phi\left(e\right)\right)\right| \ \ & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right. $$

Ferri, Massimo. Persistent topology for natural data analysis-A survey. Towards Integrative Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. Springer, Cham, 2017. 117-133.
Cagliari, Francesca, Barbara Di Fabio, and Claudia Landi. The natural pseudo-distance as a quotient pseudo-metric, and applications. Forum Mathematicum. Vol. 27. No. 3. De Gruyter, 2015.
d'Amico, Michele, Patrizio Frosini, and Claudia Landi. Natural pseudo-distance and optimal matching between reduced size functions. Acta applicandae mathematicae 109.2 (2010): 527-554.

Combinatorial persistence

Persistence functions

All functions $\lambda_{(G, f)}: \Delta^+ \to \mathbb{Z}$ are said to be persistence functions if

  • $\lambda_{(G, f)}(u, v)$ is nondecreasing in $u$ and nonincreasing in $v$ ;
  • for all $u_1, u_2, v_1, v_2 \in\mathbb{R}$ such that $u_1 \le u_2 < v_1 \le v_2$ the following inequality holds: $$\lambda_{(G, f)}(u_2, v_1) - \lambda_{(G, f)}(u_1, v_1) \ge \lambda_{(G, f)}(u_2, v_2) - \lambda_{(G, f)}(u_1, v_2)$$

Combinatorial persistence


$\lambda_{(G, f)}$ is said to be stable if given an analogous pair $(G^\prime, f^\prime)$, an isomorphism $\psi:G\to G^\prime$ exists such that $$\sup_{e\in E} \left| f\left(e \right)-f^\prime\left(\psi\left(e\right)\right)\right|\le h$$ where $h>0$, then for all $(u, v)\in \Delta^+$ the inequality $$\lambda_{(G, f)}(u-h, v+h)\le \lambda_{\left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)}(u, v)$$ holds.

Combinatorial persistence

A note on stability...

For weighted graphs $\left(G, f\right), \left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)$ as above, if $\lambda_{(G, f)}$ and $\lambda_{\left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)}$ are stable then

$$ d\left(D\left( f \right), D\left(f^\prime\right)\right) \le \delta\left(\left(G, f\right), \left(G^\prime, f^\prime\right)\right), $$ where $d$ is the bottleneck distance.

... and a remark on universality

Is the inequality described above the best one that we can obtain from persistence diagrams?

Combinatorial persistence

Coherent samplings

A coherent sampling $\mathcal{V}$ is the assignment to each graph $G$, where $G=\left(V, E\right)$ of a set $\mathcal{V}(G)$ of subsets of $V \cup E$, such that

  • each $\mathcal{V}(G)$ is a finite (possibly empty) set of elements of $V\cup E$;
  • if $G$ is a subgraph of $H$, then each element of $\mathcal{V}(G)$ is contained in exactly one element of $\mathcal{V}\left(H\right)$;

A coherent sampling is stable if $\psi:G\to G^\prime$ is an isomorphism, then $\mathcal{V}\left(G^\prime\right)=\psi\left(\mathcal{V}\left(G\right)\right)$.

For each inclusion $\iota: G \to H$ let $\Lambda(\iota)$ be the number of elements of $\mathcal{V}\left(H\right)$ containing at least one element of $\mathcal{V}\left(G\right)$.
For all filtering functions $f:E \to \mathbb{R}$, let $\lambda_{(G, f)}:\Delta^+ \to \mathbb{Z}$ be defined by $\lambda_{(G, f)}(u, v) = \Lambda(\iota_{(u, v)})$ where $\iota_{(u, v)}: G_u \to G_v$ is the inclusion homomorphism. Then the functions $\lambda_{(G, f)}$ are persistence functions. If the coherent sampling is stable, so are the persistence functions.

Combinatorial persistence

Coherent samplings - Clique communities


Combinatorial persistence

Coherent samplings - Clique communities

cliques_comm2 The assignment $\mathcal{C}^k$, which maps each graph $G$ to the set of its $k$-clique communities, is a stable coherent sampling.

Classical use of cliques communities:
B. Rieck, U. Fugacci, J. Lukasczyk, and H. Leitte. Clique community persistence: A topological visual analysis approa for complex networks. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2018.
S. Fortunato. Community detection in graphs Physics reports, 2010.

Combinatorial persistence

Property-based filters


Let $\left(G,f\right)$ be a weighted graph, with $G=(V, E)$

$F: 2^{V\cup E} \to \{true, false\}$ a property.

We call $F$-set any set $A\subseteq V\cup E$ such that $F(A) = true$.

$A\subseteq V\cup E$ is an $F$-set at level $w$ if it is an $F$-set of the subgraph $G_w$.

Combinatorial persistence

Property-based filters


We call $A\subseteq V\cup E$ a steady $F$-set $(u, v) \in \Delta^+$ if it is an $F$-set at all levels $w$ with $u\le w \le v$.

We call $A$ a ranging $F$-set at $(u, v)$ if there exist levels $w\le u$ and $w'\ge v$ at which it is an $F$-set.

Let $SF_{(G, f)}(u,v)$ be the set of s-$F$-sets at $(u, v)$ and let $RF_{(G, f)}(u,v)$ be the set of r-$F$-sets at $(u, v)$.

Combinatorial persistence

Property-based filters


The functions $$ \begin{array}{l l} \sigma:\Delta^+\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\\ (u,v)\mapsto \left|SF_{(G, f)}(u,v)\right| \end{array} $$ and $$ \begin{array}{l l} \rho:\Delta^+\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\\ (u,v)\mapsto \left|RF_{(G, f)}(u,v)\right| \end{array} $$ are persistence functions.

Combinatorial persistence


location A temporary hub (t-hub) at level $u$ is a vertex of $G_u\subseteq G$ whose degree is greater than the degree of its neighbors.

A steady hub (s-hub) at $(u, v)\in \Delta^+$ is a vertex which is a t-hub at all levels $w$ with $u\le w \le v$.

A ranging hub (r-hub) at $(u, v)\in \Delta^+$ is a vertex such that there exist levels $w \le u$ and $w^\prime\ge v$ at which it is a t-hub.

Combinatorial persistence



Combinatorial persistence




Les Miserables

Characters co-occurence

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Les Miserables

Characters co-occurence

steady_misSteady hubs

ranging_misRanging hubs

Les Miserables

... dealing with too many hubs?



V. Kurlin. A fast persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds with provable guarantees. Pattern recognition letters, 83:3-12, 2016.

Les Miserables

Select them!



V. Kurlin. A fast persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds with provable guarantees. Pattern recognition letters, 83:3-12, 2016.

Les Miserables

Characters co-occurence

steady_misSteady hubs

ranging_misRanging hubs

Les Miserables

Characters co-occurence

steady_mis_gapSteady hubs

ranging_mis_gapRanging hubs

Hubs in Game of Throne (books I-V)

Characters co-occurence

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Time-varying hubs in Game of Thrones (books I-V)

Characters co-occurence

Don't you see an interactive graph? Please reload the page (Ctrl+R or command+R on mac).

Other applications

Language and airport hubs

europe steady_langs ranging_langs

airports steady_air ranging_air


Persistence-based signatures of data can be generated without auxiliary topological constructions.

Coeherent samplings and property-based filters are general recipes to create persistence functions.

We are working on a categorical extension of the theory presented here for weighted graphs.

graph = pc.WeightedGraph(graph_structure)